Visual Studio Code has become an indispensable tool for my daily coding. Largely due to its great performance, design and productivity, but also partly because of the collection of great extensions you can find. As a side note, it’s also fairly easy to write new VS Code extensions if you don’t find what you are looking for, and I may be guilty of having done that, as well. But that aside today I decided to share the list of extensions I use in my VS Code installation, in hopes that somebody may find this useful.

List of Irakli’s Extensions:

  1. ansible
  2. asciidoctor-vscode
  3. auto-close-tag
  4. auto-rename-tag
  5. beautify
  7. code-runner
  8. code-settings-sync
  9. compulim-vscode-closetag
  10. dep
  11. diff
  12. docthis
  13. gitblame
  14. gitignore
  15. Go
  16. Handlebars
  17. html-css-class-completion
  18. html-preview-vscode
  19. html-snippets
  20. HTMLHint
  21. java
  22. JavaScriptSnippets
  23. jinja
  24. js-complexity-analysis
  25. json-compact-prettifier
  26. json2yaml
  27. jsrefactor
  28. jwt
  29. kubernetes-snippets
  30. LogFileHighlighter
  31. lorem-ipsum
  32. npm-intellisense
  33. output-colorizer
  34. partial-diff
  35. path-intellisense
  36. prettify-json
  37. python
  38. rainbow-brackets
  39. ReactSnippets
  40. rewrap
  41. rst-vscode
  42. RustyCode
  43. sort-lines
  44. swagger-viewer
  45. swaggitor
  46. tag-rename
  47. terraform
  48. tmlanguage
  49. vscode-babel-coloring
  50. vscode-caniuse
  51. vscode-color
  52. vscode-detect-charset
  53. vscode-docker
  54. vscode-duplicate
  55. vscode-elixir
  56. vscode-eslint
  57. vscode-glide
  58. vscode-guid
  59. vscode-hasher
  60. vscode-helm
  61. vscode-html-css
  62. vscode-icons
  63. vscode-ipaddress
  64. vscode-java-debug
  65. vscode-java-dependency
  66. vscode-java-pack
  67. vscode-java-test
  68. vscode-kubernetes-tools
  69. vscode-map-preview
  70. vscode-markdownlint
  71. vscode-maven
  72. vscode-nginx
  73. vscode-npm
  74. vscode-npm-script
  75. vscode-nsp
  76. vscode-open-in-github
  77. vscode-qrcode
  78. vscode-react-native
  79. vscode-yaml
  80. wordcount

One More Thing

If you decide to publish your own list of extensions and need a quick way to convert VS Code’s config file (JSON), which contains such list, to markdown, this is the code I used (Python 3.7):

import json

with open('raw.json') as f:
  json_data =

extensions = json.loads(json_data)
url_prefix = ""

out = [f"1. [{item['name']}]({url_prefix}{item['metadata']['publisherId']})" 
    for item in extensions]