Assorted Modules List:

  • BestieJS - A collection of modules/libraries that promote solid browser/environment support, ES5 precedents, unit testing, and documentation.
  • Express Web-framework for Node.js
  • Koa.js - Expressive middleware for node.js using generators, created by the same people as Express.js
  • RITEway - TAP-compatible test assertions that always supply a good bug report when they fail.
  • Step An async control-flow library that makes stepping through logic easy
  • Grunt task-based command line build tool for JavaScript projects
  • Gulp streaming, DSL-based build system.
  • Passport Powerful authentication middleware for Node.js
  • Connect - web middleware for node.js
  • Sequest - Simplified API for SSH and SFTP similar to Request.
  • - web sockets on steroids
  • Faker.js - generate massive amounts of fake data in Node.js and the browser
  • Node Fetch - minimalistic HTTP client library.
  • Node Config - environment-aware YAML configurations for Node
  • Brain - Neural network library
  • Nodetime - Performance profiler for Node.js
  • Cradle: CouchDB Client
  • Monk: The wise MongoDB API
  • Node Inspector - live debugging from a WebKit browser
  • v8 Profiler - node bindings for the v8 profiler. Integrates into Node Inspector for the UI
  • Elastical: Elastic Search Client
  • MySQL library by Felix Geisendörfer. I use this one out of many similar ones. Pick your poison.
  • LibXML to JS: convert XML to JSON using Libxml. (Requires Libxml and Scones libraries to install)
  • Smartass JSON CLI - A “json” command for massaging JSON on your Unix command line. This is just a CLI utility, not for use in production code.
  • Handlebars: Mustache-compatible templating engine for Javascript (hbs is the Express.js plugin for the same).
  • Cookies - Streamlined cookie management
  • Underscore.js: Functional programming support for Javascript
  • Underscore.string Make working with strings in JS painless
  • Dialect: i18N package for node.js (@see: Dialect HTTP: its UI)
  • cld.js - Javascript port of the Compact Language Detector from Chromium
  • Moment.js: Powerful utility for working with dates and times
  • Share.js Live Concurrent Editing (client-side script)
  • Commander.js: a nifty tool-box of command-line utilities (parser, prompter etc)
  • Nomnom - Very nifty command-line options parser
  • Prompt: Command-line prompt for Node.js
  • Forever: Make sure node.js script runs forever
  • Mocha: BDD Testing
  • JSDom: DOM Implementation in Javascript
  • Sinon: Standalone test spies, stubs and mocks for JavaScript. No dependencies, works with any unit testing framework.
  • Node Walk: Recursive file listing, port of Python’s os.walk()

Browser Javascript:

  • Alertify.js - Beautiful alerts and notifications
  • At.js - Github-like mention autocompletes for your textboxes.
  • Caret.js - Get caret position or offset from input or textarea.
  • Laconic - intuitive approach to generating DOM content
  • Epic Editor - Markdown editor
  • Keymaster - A simple micro-library for defining and dispatching keyboard shortcuts.
  • Smoothie Charts - super-fast streaming data charting
  • Visual Events - Visually show Javascript events on a page
  • HeyOffline.js - Detect network connectivity loss and alert user
  • BigScreen - Full screen made easy


General Javascript